Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lower settings!!!

Favorite sleeping position, very sleepy after her bath :)

On Friday they decided it was okay to take Danielle's oxygen settings down. She is now on 1 liter nasal canula oxygen, which is what she could come home on. We are hoping they will take her down to 0.5 liter eventually because that is what she had been on before, but we are really happy that she is now on regular oxygen. She is doing great. Yesterday she was a little sleepy, we are thinking because of the change in lower oxygen settings, it is perfectly understandable because she is getting quite a bit less support.

They are also now feeding Danielle 3 ounces of breast milk every 4 hours. This change from 3 to 4 hours was made because she really wasn't to, to, hungry at the end of 3 hours. So now she gets her feedings spaced out a bit and she is eating more. This seems to be working good. Friday night I spent the night with her and she took 2 full feedings for me thru a bottle and ate the whole thing. The other 2 feedings she took just over 1/2 thru the bottle. She just seems to eat so much better for me and the few nurses who have had her several times, meaning at least 1-2 times per week. We are really feeling this is because of the continuity. She of course knows who Brad and I are, but with these other nurses doing the same routine with her, it helps her out so much. So, the doctor informed me today that we do need to be there for more feedings if at all possible during the week and continue on the weekends being there all of the time. This means....closer to home!

It was great being able to spend the night with my baby. She slept much better this sleepover compared to our last! She slept great in between her feedings and was just a little squirmy the closer it got to her being fed. The whole experience just really makes us feel like we can be 100% hands on and do all of her care ourselves. This is great because during the week when we are working we unfortunately do not get this experience because unfortunately our time is limited.

She is still just on the edge of 9 pounds, almost there!! We keep praying and believing in our little girl. We love you baby Danielle.~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can feel the excitement of taking Danielle home soon. She's getting so big and is such a beautiful little girl.